When you can take a puppy out: Vet VS VS Coach
🐾 Young puppy owners, this video is for you! Find out why the early socialization of puppies is the most important at the beginning of their lives and how to do it properly, even before complete va...

All professionals have always emphasized that dog training should be started as soon as possible. And so, of course, is right. The sooner you start training your dog, the less you will have proble...

From an age puppy can take out
This time, a video of what age you can start with the puppy for the first time and when it can be socialized. Since this topic is not clear, I went to the veterinarian Aigars Briņķis so that he te...

What is the socialization of puppies, and what are the most common mistakes.
It has been a year since the last video of its kind. Madness as time runs! This time I will talk about the socialization of puppies, or more precisely, the mistakes that are made by socializing th...

What is the socialization of puppies
A prerequisite for a very important training is the socialization of the puppy, as it affects the dog's behavior throughout his life. A well -socialized puppy will be a good companion for you who ...