Dogs have been living with people for a long time. Initially, they helped go hunting, grazing, protecting herds, over time, they trained them and began to use them in searching for missing people, and in public authorities - police and border guards.
Nowadays, dogs are most often chosen as home pets. The problem is that no dogs of dogs are specially selected to have a home pet. Therefore, the choice of dogs should be taken special care so that his hereditary is not an obstacle to happiness together.

A dog in the city and in the apartment
The first thing to consider is - a dog living in an apartment has to spend quite a bit of time. Every day, one, but better, two shorter, about 30 minutes long walks and at least one long, up to 1.5 hours. If you choose an active breed of dog, you should spend even more time for a joint walk. Plus time for training and play. Let's be honest, not all people have so much free time to afford the dog. It is important not to fool yourself. If you do not give enough time for your dog, walking, learning, playing, you will spend as much or even more time (and also material) for apartment repairs, settling your belongings after the dog's work, and the physiotherapist visits because the dog, There is a lack of physical and mental activities, and quite strongly leash, so hurting your health.
My suggestions to think about before buying dogs:
👉 Think if you need it;
👉 Do not fool yourself and hope that when you have a dog, you will become more active, you will start walking more everyday and keeping a healthy lifestyle. Experience has shown that such commitments are as successful as the New Year's commitment. They do not work. It is better to choose a dog that matches your existing life right away.
👉 Choose a breed of dogs that you can integrate as much as possible in your daily routine, for example, bring with you to work, etc.
👉 Small dogs are easier! A small dog just takes up less space. He will always have space in the car. In many public places against small dogs, tolerance is larger, for example in shops, cafes, hotels, etc.
👉It is important not to get on the hook that a small dog has fewer needs, for example, it can be less frequent and shorter, and can settle in the room on disposable pallets, etc. It's not !!!! A small dog is also a dog and has exactly the same needs as a big dog. I told more about that blog.
👉 Dogs living in the city are definitely higher than in rural dogs. This is natural and normal, so be sure to count both time and money for dog training to make your life harmonious.

A dog in a family with children
The dog in the family with children should be particularly careful. It is very important not to deceive yourself and not want to make it.
Every year more than 1000 children in Latvia are cheated on dogs. About 95% of these accidents occur at home and the dogs themselves are dogs. The reason for this is in most cases that the child did not calm the dog.
Of course, we all know that if there is a dog at home, the child will have to teach and explain how to communicate properly with the dog, what to do and what not, that the dog needs time to rest and then not interfere. But let's be honest - children's "training" is often much, much more complicated than dog training, and when thinking about buying and breeding in the dog, not everything will go smoothly, and not always the children will listen to our instructions.
My suggestions are about choosing a dog breed for families with children.
👉 Any dog can be aggressive. How aggressive the dog can react depends on several factors, and one of the key is, of course, training. But the animal's temperament is also very important. The temperament is born, so you should be very careful about the choice of both the breed and the particular puppy.
👉 It will be much easier with peaceful dogs. Active and fast dogs (like terriers or hunting dogs) will always want to run with children and engage in children's activities. Because dogs use teeth in a lot of games, torn clothes will be guaranteed.
👉 Be sure to allocate the "dog free" space so that the children can be children. For them to run, rush and cry, and you don't have to try to call them and keep them at all times, because the dog runs and jumps with them and bites them.
👉 Delect a free space for the children. It is a place where the dog can rest, and no one ever goes to him and loves him. The phrase "Oh, how lovely he is sleeping" should not be a reason for the dog to walk and disturb the rest.

Home guard
This category is the simplest because there are quite a few "guard dogs". Able to choose the most suitable for your taste. I just want to call again not to do what you want. If the dog is a guard, he is a guard. The dog will not be able to distinguish ancient friends, relatives and other people from a stranger and will protect his home from everyone.
Yes, we probably everyone knows a guard that behaved like a cat. But this is the exception than the system.
Therefore, consider if you have a guard, he will protect and quite clearly show aggressive behavior.
You should definitely take into account when choosing a watchdog:
👉 The feeling of security for you will definitely be greater;
👉 Your dog will guard, and if you have left a tool or a bicycle in the yard, these things will definitely be protected from the local drinker. It will even be enough for the dog's look.
👉 If your house wants to steal a professional thief, then believe me the dog is the last to stop him. Almost every house has a dog, and unfortunately the thieves have learned to deal with them perfectly.
👉 At home, the dog will have to be tilted or even insulated all the time.
Dog from the shelter
The desire to save the dog from the shelter is desirable and supportive.
All shelter dogs are believed to be unhappy, traumatized and tragic fate, so their behavior is unpredictable and difficult to train.
There are undeniably such dog shelters. But not everyone is close. There are dogs that have spent life in normal circumstances, but there has been some accident and the owners have died. There are dogs who are born or have a shelter at an early age, and then it depends on how well they are socialized from each shelter.
With that, I want to say, in shelters, dogs are very diverse, both fearful and with tragic fates, and absolutely normal and adequate. It is important to choose a dog rationally rather than emotionally. It is important to understand your options.